The pelvis is surrounded by muscles and ligaments which support and connect it to the spine, legs,the abdomen and its contents, i.e. bladder, urethra, rectum and in women uterus and vagina. These muscles slacken with age, and in women with during pregnancy and childbirth. They can also be impacted by a wonky pelvis, as the body will compensate for an imbalance by developing the muscles and ligaments differently to compensate for the misalignment.
Simple exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles, especially when used in conjunction with a pelvic correction treatment, help to keep a misaligned pelvis in place. If the muscles are 'engaged' slightly at all times, and especially just prior to lifting or major twisting motions, it can help keep the pelvis aligned during these activities. It is also likely to strengthen bladder control and help prevent prolapse of internal organs. Men experiencing bladder control problems following prostatectomy can also benefit from these exercises (always consult your doctor if you think you might have a prostrate problem).
Exercise 1
Whilst urinating force yourself to stop the flow, by contracting the muscles around the bladder, for a count of 6 (less to start with if you can't manage that long, and build up), then start and stop again, start and stop again.
Exercise 2
Anytime you feel like it (standing, sitting, lying, walking), engage your pelvic muscles. Visualise all the muscles and fibres from your perineum and insides being sucked upwards ... like an elevator going from the ground floor to level 10 and hold them for several breaths. Your perineum is the bit between your legs between your genitals and your anus. Note: If your pelvic floor muscles are very weak, it will initially feel like you're doing nothing. Persevere with the visualisation and you should start to feel something pretty soon!
Exercise 3
Preferably all the time (so it becomes second nature), but especially good to do when you are about to lift or twist, is to repeat exercise 2 but to keep the 'elevator' at around level 3. Just so the muscles are all slightly engaged all the time or especially when you're going to lift something or twist ... this will help keep your pelvis stable.
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